Fall ’23
Linear algebra II
Redesigned course for Bachelor students at TU/e, covering Eigenvalues/-vectors, linear/orthogonal/symmetric maps, the Jordan normal form and systems of differential equations.
Spring ’23
Linear algebra II
Course for Bachelor students at TU/e, covering linear/orthogonal/symmetric maps, Eigenvalues/-vectors, invariant subspaces, systems of differential equations and (LU/SVD/Jordan) decompositions.
Fall ’22
Algebra for security
Flipped-classroom style course for Bachelor students at TU/e on algebraic concepts with applications in cryptography, focusing on algorithmic aspects, covering topics like polynomial rings, primitivity and irreducibility testing, factoring, and the structure of finite fields, together with Benne de Weger
Fall ’21
Applied cryptography (TA)
Graduate course on modern applications of cryptography at TU/e, covering (amongst other topics) public-key infrastructure (PKI), the cryptographic aspects of internet protocols (TLS, IPsec), anonymity networks (Mixnets, Tor), private online communication (OTR, Signal), e-cash, together with Andreas Hülsing and Tomer Ashur
Set theory and algebra (TA)
First university-level course in Mathematics at TU/e, introducing the students to the language of Mathematics (set theory and logic) and basic algebraic structures such as integers and polynomials, together with Hans Cuypers, Rob Eggermont, Rudi Pendavingh and Berry Schoenmakers
Cryptography (TA)
Introductory course on cryptography at RUB, covering basic symmetric and public-key cryptographic algorithms, together with Eike Kiltz
During my math studies
TA’ing for many different (graduate and undergraduate) math courses at UDE. (Analysis, linear algebra, applied algebra and number theory, geometry, number theory, mathematics for economists and computer scientists…)
PhD students
Silvia Ritsch (with Andreas Hülsing, ongoing)
Master /Bachelor students
Lars Geraerts (Master, ongoing)
Silke Meijer (Bachelor 2021, with Tomer Ashur)
Carina Newen (Bachelor 2019, with Eike Kiltz)